Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese Herbal Medicines are used to restore balance to the body. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it’s believed that, when our energy centres (sometimes referred to as Qi, Yin and Yang) are out of balance, health challenges manifest.
Chinese Herbal Medicine brings these energies back into equilibrium and supports the free flow of energy in the body, helping you to function at your most optimum. They are also used to support specific health complaints and challenges.
Chinese Herbal Medicine supports one’s whole being, and tends to the root causes of health challenges, rather than just providing symptom relief.
Chinese herbal medicine can be used to support a range of conditions including, but not limited to:
- The management of stress and fatigue
- Pain relief and management
- Women’s health and gynaecology challenges
- Perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms
- Common colds and allergies (hay fever, sinus and rhinitis)
- Headaches and migraines
- Digestive health challenges
- Muscular aches
- Insomnia.
What to expect at an initial consultation:
At The Dispensary, we strive to make our sessions feel relaxed and calming. We are committed to communicating clearly with our clients so they can be as involved in, and educated about the process, and their health, as possible.
Initial consultations involve detailed history taking, pulse and tongue diagnosis, and the establisment of a Chinese Medicine pattern diagnosis. Herbal formulas that have been tailored to your unique needs, will be prescribed. These medicines can be used as a stand alone treatment, or in conjunction with other tools like moxibustion, cupping, gua sha and acupuncture (in fact, Chinese Herbal Medicine and acupuncture can complement each other wonderfully and very effectively).